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Week 2


Well done for all of your hard work with our sounds so far. Remember to recap all of the Phase 3 sounds as much as you can. You could make a game using all of the sounds and see how many you remember!


Our next two blends in Phase 4 are ‘nk’ and ‘ft’

Work through the slides to practice the new blends: 

It has been lovely seeing all of your practice with the tricky words too! 

How many can you read and spell by yourself already? 


Remember, you can learn these words in anyway you like!

Here are your new set of tricky words for the week: 

Here are some useful online links for Phonics games:   - there are a whole list of games under 'letters and sounds' to practice from phase 2 onwards. (two week free trial!)


This week is all about adding! We already know the sign for adding which is +, we also know it can be called different names like plus, add and counting on. Have a go at these adding activities and let me know how you get on!



Finding 1 more up to 20:

Using any resource (cubes, pasta, cars, beads, toys) make piles of different amounts up to 19. Ask your child to count how many are in each pile and write the number underneath on a scrap of paper. Then, ask your child to go back and add on 1 more to each pile. Once they've made the piles bigger by one, model writing the number sentence for the first pile e.g. '6 + 1 = 7' and saying it aloud as you go 'six add on one equals seven'. Ask them to go to the next pile and write the number sentence, starting with the first number and adding on 1 more. Encourage them to write the number sentence (it might not be in a straight line but that's ok!). By the end you should have a pile of number sentences. Muddle them up and ask your child to read them out to you, to check their understanding of the + and = symbols.




The Counting Bus:


Using the printable bus or drawing your own, ask your child to count all of the empty spaces on the bus (there should be 20). Remind them that no more than 20 people can get on the bus at a time. 

Put 5 people on the bus and ask, how many people are on the bus? Check to see if your child is counting each person or if they can recognize the amount from just looking. 

Ask your child to pick an adding on card (lay them upside down so they can't see the number). Once they have read the instruction e.g. +3, ask them to add that many more people onto the bus. How many altogether? 

Can they write the full number sentence? 

Jump and Count:


Using chalk outside (or big paper inside) draw a big number ladder up to 20. 

Choose an adding number sentence and read it with your child. E.g. 7 + 2 = 


Model standing on number seven and taking 2 jumps until you reach the answer and say '7 add 2 equals 9'

Repeat with a range of number sentences, making sure that your child is counting each jump as one.



Well done to those of who you looked at a photo of yourself as a baby and of yourself now. You uploaded some super learning! 


This week we are going to continue looking at 'ourselves'. We are going to be looking at our bodies and what we look like. 

Your first challenge is to either draw a picture of yourself (from your head to your toes) or ask somebody to draw around you - this could be on big paper or outside with chalk.


Once you have your drawing, your task is to label each part of your body. How many arms do you have? Do you have elbows? Where are your knees? Have a go and see how many you can label. 



Once you have had a go at labelling yourself. Have a look at the pictures below of a Chimpanzee... 

Do they have the same body parts as you? Or are they different? Do they have elbows and knees? Do they have eyes and teeth? 

Have a chat with your family, how are you similar or different? You could make a video describing what you think or write some sentences. I'm looking forward to finding out your thoughts!
