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Kemsing Primary School

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Class 1 2016-2017

Welcome to Year 1

with Mrs Bowen and Mrs Arnold.


During this year we will be learning about ourselves and our school, toys throughout time, the seaside and plants and animals to name a few.


Thank you!

A huge thank you from all of Class 1 for the money raised for our outdoor classroom. We are very excited to start using it!

We will keep you updated with pictures of what we have done!


Class Information


Cake Sale

Our cake sale is on the  2oth of October.



Reading books are changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday if they need to be changed.  


Weekly Newsletter

We will continue to send home weekly newsletters on a Monday to update you on the planned learning and phonics focus for the week.



The children will receive one piece of homework each week. This will be set on a Tuesday and due in on Monday.


Ted the Bear

The children can choose to take Ted the Bear home over a weekend. He will come with a travel book where the children can record where he went and what he did.


Pupils’ Belongings

Please ensure that every piece of uniform is labelled clearly with both forename and surname. (Water bottles, lunch boxes, book bags and P.E Kit should also be clearly labelled).



Please ensure PE kits are in school every day. Children will need to be prepared for outdoors PE lessons, therefore please include suitable trainers and jogging bottoms in PE kits.
