Week 4
Well done for all of your hard work with learning the Phase 4 blends so far!
This week there are 5 blends to learn, so you could do one a day. Some blends are only in a few words and some blends are in lots of words. Our job is to remember them in our writing!
Our blends this week are: lf, lk, pt, xt, tr
Have a look through the slides of this week’s sounds. Can you complete all of the challenges?
These activities will help you learn the Phase 4 tricky words.
Continue counting to 100 whenever possible. Decide on an action for each decade, e.g. clapping for 1−10, wing flaps for 11−20, wiggling fingers for 21−30, bunny hops for 31−40, jazz hands for 41−50, nodding for 51−60, patting head for 61−70, moving bent arms like a train for 71−80, bending knees for 81−90 and jumping for 91−100.
I’m looking forward to seeing your different actions for counting to 100!
This week we are going to be looking at measuring!
Key words to use this week are: tall, taller, small, smaller, high, low, bigger, smaller, longer, shorter.
Ordering by size
Collect a group of your toys (teddies, cars, dolls, dinosaurs).
Put them in order from smallest to biggest! How did you work it out? How can you tell which one is bigger?
Measuring by hands
Holding your hand out flat, have a go at measuring how many ‘hands long’ objects are (from your wrist to your finger tips).
Here is a list of things you could measure with your hand:
- Chair
- Sofa
- Bed
- TV
- Door
- Radiator
- Book
- Fridge
What else can you measure using your hand?
Heavier or lighter?
First, find your favourite toy!
Next, find the following items from around your house:
- A tin (beans, spaghetti etc)
- Remote control
- A cushion
- A frying pan
- A washing up sponge
- A fork
Hold your favourite toy in one hand and then using your other hand, pick up each item one at a time. Discuss which of the two are heavier. Which object is the heaviest out of them all? Which object is the lightest?
What do you think is the heaviest thing in your house?
Have a go at size ordering.
Cut out each picture of the Minibeasts and stick them in order from smallest to biggest:
Extra Maths Activities
We are going to continue looking living things this week and carry on looking at life cycles.
You worked really well last week looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. I loved seeing your different ways of showing the cycle too!
This week, we are going to have a look at how a Frog changes from an egg to an adult frog. It changes even more than a caterpillar to a butterfly!
Have a look through these slides first of all:
Here is a video showing each stage:
Your challenge this week is to make a video explaining each stage of a frog’s life cycle. You can do this in any way you choose. I will upload each video onto the website next week, so that you can see each other’s!
Here is a sheet you could complete by writing sentences about each stage: