Week 5
Amazing effort so far with the Phase 4 blends, we are nearly there!
There are 5 new blends this week and they are all very similar: dr, gr, cr, br, fr
Practice saying these as much as possible, making sure to pronounce each sound in your words.
Work through the slides, making sure to have a go at the challenge for each sound.
Here are some dice for you to print, to help with your tricky words. Roll the dice, read the word and put it into a sentence.
Remember, we can’t sound out tricky words we just have to remember what they look like or come up with a funny sentence to remember the letters!
You have worked brilliantly over these past few weeks with your adding and subtracting!
Have a go at the following activities to continue to improve your skills…
Counting on and back by three:
There are a few ways to complete this activity, you can choose how from the options below…
- Ask your adult to call out any number, your job is to shout the next 3 numbers. E.g. Adult: 13, child: 14, 15, 16. You can make this as active as you like!
- Pick a number card at random and write down the next 3 numbers in order.
- Roll a dice twice to make a two-digit number, write it down and then write the next 3 numbers. E.g. If I roll a 3 and then a 4, my number is 34. So I will write: 34, 35, 36, 37.
Now have another go, but by counting backwards!
Bigger or Smaller:
You will be comparing and discussing the size of numbers. First of all, you need a way to generate your numbers… you could use a dice to create two-digit numbers, use number cards or this number generator: https://pickerwheel.com/tools/random-number-generator/
With a partner, each of you have to choose a number at random. Write it down without showing your partner and on the count of three, turn the numbers over to see whose is bigger and whose is smaller. The person with the biggest number is the winner and they get a point! Who can be the first person to get 10 points?
Racing Pairs:
Make a set of 10 matching cards. You can use numbers, colours or pictures to create your cards just make sure that they look the same. When you are finished, ask your adult to hide all of the cards around your house or garden. Put on a timer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Ik18QswHo
Can you find all of the cards and match them back together in time? You could make it a competition with someone else in your family, to see who can get the most!
Here are some Maths games to try:
Cbeebies Numeracy: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/topics/numeracy
Shape Monsters: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/early-years/shape-monsters
Coconut Ordering: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/coconut-ordering
Toy Shop Money: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money
Thank you very much for all of your videos showing the different life cycles!
Here is a letter to read to the children from the bugs in their garden, you can pretend this came in the post / you found it by the back door.
Their challenge is to create a hotel for the bugs in their garden which have to include the following criteria:
- A comfy bed for tired mummy bugs
- A cool swimming pool for hot and bothered daddy bugs
- A play area for excited bugs (a swing, slide or roundabout)
- Steps and stairs for bugs to exercise
- Hiding places for scared bugs
Here are some websites which might help:
Once the hotel has been built, wait a few days and then go on a bug hunt to see which bugs have visited the hotel! You can use the bug hunt sheet to help. Remember, the bugs like to live outside so after looking closely at them make sure they get back to their homes safely.
I’d love to see some pictures or videos of your finished product!