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Term 2

Click here to see what Reception have been learning about this term:

Personal, social and emotional development 


We have also been exploring 'stranger danger' and who would be a safe stranger in society. Furthermore, we have continued to explore how to turn take effectively as well as gradually developing an understanding of our own feelings as well as others.  

Communication and Language

Through role play, circle times and everyday activities with an adult the children have the chance to develop their language skills. For example, this term we have been looking at roles of people who help us in society and learning vocabulary related to this theme. 

Physical Development 

Each activity that is set up each week like this is set to encourage and develop the children's small muscles in their fingers. The idea is to develop these muscles to a state where the children are able to eventually hold a pencil comfortably and correctly using their first three fingers, also known as the tripod grip. 


This term the children have continued to recap or learn new phonics sounds. They have also started to learn how to spell words using these sounds. The children have all now recieved their first phonics scheme book which they are all very proud of.  


This term, the children have looked at patterns and making their own using different materials. They have also looked at representing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in a range of different ways. Using these numbers, the children have been learning their number bonds. Furthermore, looking at 'one more' and 'one less' related to these numbers. Lastly, the children have had a brief introduction to 2D shape by looking at circles and triangles and their specific characteristics. 

Understanding of the World

The children have been exploring the roles of people who help us in society. They have also been looking at each others families and exploring similarities and differences between them. We have also explored different celebrations such as Bonfire night and Halloween. We explored different religious beliefs such as Christianity and Sikhism. 


Lastly, the children have had a small introduction to looking at the past and present by looking at photos of past police officers and firefighters to present ones. 

Expressive Arts and Design

This term, the children explored the artist Wassily Kandinsky who's art is inspired by circles and triangles. This fitted in nicely with the children's maths learning this term and they loved making their own Wassily Kadinsky themed artwork. The children have also been engaging in lots of different types of role play. For example, the roles of people who help us in society. 
