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Kemsing Primary School

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Class 1 2020-21

Welcome to Class One!


Class Teacher:  Mrs Christmas      

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rogers and Mrs Scott


General Information... 

Please bring a named water bottle and book bag into school every day.

Children may wear comfortable clothes/shoes on the bottom half and school uniform on the top. 

Please bring a pair of named wellies in to keep at school all year.

We change our reading books on a Monday. 

We set homework via Seesaw on a Wednesday which should be completed for the following Monday if possible.

Hard copies should not come into school. An uploaded verbal or photographed response is fine.



Please encourage your child to complete all the comprehension tasks at the beginning and end

of their reading books. They will need to read the book several times to ensure the phonics and high frequency

words covered are fully embedded. There are also 'tricky words' in each phonic phase for the children to

learn by sight. These have been sent out via Seesaw for you to practise at home. 

Our remote learning, for children who are self-isolating, can also be found by clicking here:

Click here to access our Celebration of Learning Video:
