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Kemsing Primary School

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Term 2 Learning Update

This term we are learning more about the Stone Age through our history & art topics. We will be researching information using the tablet computers & creating our own information reports. In maths, we are focusing on multiplication & division. We will be using our multiplication & division knowledge to solve problems. We will also be developing our measuring skills & will be using them to create Christmas cards! 

Who would you send a message to? What would you say?

We looked at the earliest examples of stone age art, which were created by pounding holes & lines into rock. Here are our own designs:

We have improved our knowledge of the 8 x table this term:

We supported Children In Need by dressing our heads like bears!

We have been learning about the story of the prodigal son. We thought about what forgiveness means to us:

It's nearly December...

Rehearsing 'Silent Night' for the KS2 Celebration of Christmas.

Sleeping Beauty at the Stag Theatre.

Christmas Design & Technology

Class 3's entry for the Tree Off competition.
