Class2 2019-20
Welcome to Class 2
Miss Perrin and Mrs Franks work in Class 2.
School Closure Activities
From Monday 20th April, I will be setting activities for the children to complete remotely on the app SeeSaw. We ask if parents could assist their children in downloading the app onto tablet devices, or alternatively you can access SeeSaw through any internet browser if using a desktop computer. Just search SeeSaw into any search engine and you will be redirected.
Your child's login details have been sent to each parent via direct mail on Classlist. If you do not have access to Classlist please email the school office, and I will send your child's login details via email.
There will be a maximum of 5 activities per week for children to complete, set on a Monday morning, and there are some additional materials alongside them such as website links or voice instructions to help. These activities can be completed on a computer/tablet device as well as printed out and completed in pencil if preferred.
Please note that although I may not be able to respond and give feedback to each individual piece of work, I will see them all when uploaded to your child's personal journal.
At the bottom of this page there is a document which outlines the topics and learning to be covered for Term 5. I plan to work through these until such time as school reopen.
Thank you to parents and children for staying so positive! I can't wait to see the wonderful work you upload.
Additional Online Activities
Children have a range of learning materials and games allocated to them on their online profiles. Children are very familiar with the programme and can access with a high level of independence.
Times Table RockStars
Children could continue to practise their times tables at speed using their Times Table RockStars account.
Spelling Frame
Children have been learning about different spelling rules in class using From the homepage, please click Year 2, and then you will see the entire spelling curriculum for the year divided into individual spelling rules and patterns. When you click 'play', you will be taken to a page with two free options. One of these is 'Spelling Tiles'. These are simple games children have been using in class and could access on a tablet to practise rules they have already learnt, and access new material if they wish.
High Frequency Word practise can be found at the bottom of the page.
Twinkl Access
Twinkl is an international resource website for education, and has a wide range of resources and activities for all year groups across all subjects. This usually requires a subscription, however, they have announced that they are providing free access to parents whilst schools remain closed. Access instructions can be found in an email sent to parents from Mr Kilbride.
Website address is and the access code for parents is UKTWINKLHELPS
I highly recommend all of the resources in the Year 2 pack. You will also find reading comprehensions and maths booklets under 'Useful Documents' below.
iPad Apps for Possible Download
Singalong Cursive Handwriter
Twinkl Phonics Suite
Drawing Desk
As always, reading is an essential part of children's progress across the curriculum. We ask that you continue to encourage your child to read regularly - this can be whatever they choose, as long as they're reading!
This is a useful website with some ideas for online learning and possible ebooks children can have downloaded onto tablets. have a range of free ebooks children can access on tablets.
We understand that this is a difficult and unsettling time for children and parents, and there is no obligation or expectation from the school that any work will be completed for assessment or feedback from teachers. We simply ask parents to continue to support us in our commitment to providing an education for our children, so that they are ready to continue their learning journey when school reopens.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Perrin