Reception Class
Class teacher: Mrs Mandy
Our lovely teaching assistants: Mrs MK and Mr Leo
Our lovely volunteer: Mrs Hands
Our lovely student: Miss Wren
The Early Years is an exciting and important stage in a child's life. Reception builds the foundation of children's learning and enables children to develop their sense of self, their independence and their learning behaviours. Kemsing Primary School enables children to develop in a safe, secure and happy environment.
During your child's time in Reception, it is important that parents and staff work collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for children. This webpage will help to aid this partnership. Here you will find information and pictures about your child's learning experiences. We also use Seesaw to share information and important news. We encourage parents to use Seesaw to share with us all the wonderful things the children do at home.
- We bring our water bottle and book bag to school every day.
- All our clothing, coats, book bags and water bottles are named.
- We make sure our book corner book and our phonics scheme book are in our book bag every day.
- We change our reading books from the book corner and our phonics scheme book every Monday. Please can we ask that you record how your child gets on with both books and that this is recorded in their reading record book ready for Monday morning.
- We bring a coat to school every day.
- We keep a pair of wellies and a rain mack into school which is kept here all year for our outdoor learning days.
- On Monday and Thursday, we have PE in the afternoon. We come to school already dressed in our PE kits. As the days get colder, please can your child wear black tracksuit bottoms.
- We use Seesaw to share our learning at home and at school. The codes to access your child’s seesaw account have been sent home. Should you need a new copy, please ask Mrs Mandy.
- Your child is entitled to free school meals whilst in Reception.
- If your child has school dinners, only one water bottle is needed for the day. If your child has packed lunches, please can your child have two water bottles for the day. One should be in your child’s lunchbox and the other kept will be kept outside the classroom all day for when your child is free flow playing.
- Just a reminder that your child is welcome to come into school from 8:35am. Activities will be set up for them to get involved with. The school day starts at 8:45am prompt.
- Each term, your child will be coming home with their learning journey book containing a small activity for you to do with your child. This activity will closely relate to what your child is learning about in school. Please can this be completed and returned to school by the Monday of the last week of term.