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Class 5 2017-2018

Welcome to Year 5 with Mr Harvey, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Franks!


Thank you for visiting the Class 5 page.


This term we will be studying the Mayans, learning about daily life in the Yucatan, their traditions and their culture.

In maths we are focussing on fractions/percentages/decimals, reflection, translation and rotation.

In English we are studying Michael Morpurgo's classic Kensuke's Kingdom. Hopefully we will have time to dip into the poetry of Blake, Yeats and Shelley as well.


Upcoming Trips:

Outward-bound day (perhaps Carrotty Wood) Term 5/6.


Homework and Spellings

New spellings (20 mins) and homework (40 mins) are set on a Friday. Homework is due in the following Wednesday and spelling tests will be on Wednesday afternoons. The spelling sound/pattern will usually be covered during the week in class.


It's become clear that the group need to work on their spellings as a key target this year - words for Years 3/4/5 have been sent home (at half-term and 3/11/17 respectively).


Pupils have been shown techniques for practising their spellings in class: the sooner the children can get to grips with this, the better. 


PE and Pupil Belongings

PE (basketball/handball/hockey/invasion games) will take place on Monday and Wednesday and afternoons. The children need suitable outdoor games kit (jogging bottoms etc.), this includes trainers that have suitable grip to be worn for outdoor PE. Please ensure that every piece of uniform is labelled clearly with both forename and surname. Water bottles and lunch boxes should also be clearly labelled.


Topics in Year 5

Some of the exciting topics in Year 5 this year include The Ancient Greeks, Victorians and Mayans.


Meet the teacher powerpoint (12/9/17)

Meet the teacher notes

Useful websites - maths

Useful Websites - English