If you would like to visit our school, please contact the school office to make an appointment:
By phone: 01732 761236
By email:
We welcome visitors at any time by appointment with the school office. We would be delighted to meet you, to show you our school and to answer any questions you might have. Our wonderful Year 6 children will take you on a tour of the school first and then you will be invited to meet with Mr Hardwick to discuss any questions you may have.
Our 'Published Admission Number' or PAN is 30, meaning we can offer 30 places in each year group.
Kemsing Primary School is a Kent County Council Community School and follows the Determined Admissions Arrangements set by the county for Community Schools as detailed in the link below. This webpage contains further links to historic, current and proposed future admission arrangements.
For our Admissions Policy please follow the link below:
If you are a prospective Year R Parent please click below to link to our Reception class page.
For in-year admissions, please contact the School Office for information about available spaces and follow the last link below to access the relevant forms.