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Kemsing Primary School

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We ask that you hear your child read aloud for 15 minutes every day as this will greatly benefit their progress in reading. It will also underpin all their other learning, as reading is a key skill across the curriculum.

Homework is given out on a Tuesday and taken in on the following Monday. Team points are given out to children who hand their homework in early!



We are trialling an online programme ‘Spellingframe’ which enables your child to practise and complete fun spelling tests at home on a computer or laptop.  It is free to use and we will show your children how to practise and play the games using it.  Spelling tests in school will be based on the words which follow the rules listed on the website.   If pupils maintain high scores from the Year 2 or 3/4 lists we will move them up to the very challenging Year 5/6 words.  Children will be given their list of words with instructions for using Spellingframe on Tuesdays.


Please find the Pick and Mix Foundation Homework below:

