The topic task is based on our Science/History work on Earth sun and moon.
I am allowing 2 weeks to complete this as there is a lot to learn about.
1) Please read through the power-point below called Earth Sun and Moon. This is a whole weeks' worth of lessons. We would have studied this as a class for the whole week, collapsing the curriculum and being creative. We would have gone through this and discussed it, using volunteers to recreate the orbit of the Earth etc. So take your time, break it up into manageable sections. At the end of the power-point is a quiz. Suggested sections
- Slides 1-20 ( The Shape of the Earth, Size of E, S & M)
- Slides 21-42 (The Sun moving across the sky, Shadows, Light from the Sun)
- Slides 43-62 ( Sunrise and Sunset, The Earth orbiting the sun, The seasons)
- Slides 63-79 ( The Moon)
- Slides 80-101 ( Summary and what have we learnt)
2) Once you have completed your power-point lesson, for fun there is a who wants to be a millionaire quiz (second power-point below). We would have normally done this in class tables teams to compete for star of the week - to win 'pig, panda, or monkey'. If you can join a friend on social media to play that would be great.
3) Finally - If the weather is good why don't you...…...go outside in the garden if you can and measure you shadow. You may need some help for this. Remember to stay in the same place each time you do it so it is a fair test.