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Celebration of Learning

Our Celebration of Learning - Friday 5th February

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Learning during a lockdown is not easy, but we at Kemsing are so impressed with our amazing learners. You wow us with your amazing work both in school and at home - and we really appreciate the tremendous effort that is being put in. Well done! Here are just some of the examples of amazing work that we have seen on Seesaw this week...

Sports Week

Well done to all who took part, please click below to watch the video including all of your entries. 

Our Home Learning (Monday 20th July)

Archie, Class 1

Eva L, Class 1

Isla S, Class 3

Lizzy, Class 4

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Lydia, Class 3

Olivia, Class 1

Seth, Class R

Flavia, Class 3

Flavia's lockdown diaries

Toby B, Class 2

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Fire of London News Report
Well done to everybody who has sent in work over the last few weeks, we are so proud of every one of you! You have all earned a house point for every piece of work you've sent in - congratulations!

Our Home Learning (Monday 13th July)

Aiden, Class 6 - Christopher Columbus

Catherine (Class 2) and Melanie (Class R)

Eva L, Class 1

Isla S, Class 3 - Kemsing Lizard

Jack S, Class 5 - 500 word Story Challenge

Matthew S, Class 3

Olivia, Class 6

Flavia, Class 3

Missing Secret Squirrel Bike Club
BMXing at Cyclopark

Well done everybody who sent in work this week - you've each earned a point for your house!

Please email photos or examples of work to 

to see your child's work on our website! 

Our Home Learning (Monday 6th July)

Jacob (Class 6)

Matthew, Class 3

Flavia, Class 3

Lizard Queen Rap 🦎

Arianne, Class 3

Independence Day Home Learning

Clara (Class 2)

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Arianne (Class 3) and Artie (Class 1)

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Heath (Class 3) and Logan (Class 1)

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We are so proud to be able to display such a variety of creative and informative learning this week - well done everybody!

Please email photos or examples of work to 

to see your child's work on our website! 

Our Home Learning (Monday 29th June)

Elena, Class 5

Ethan H, Class 4

'My Amazing Stone Age Tool', Joel, Class 4

An impressive variety of work this week - well done everybody!

Please email photos or examples of work to 

to see your child's work on our website! 

Our Home Learning (Monday 22nd June)

Flavia's Bike Ride! (Class 3)

We are always excited to see examples of the learning the children have been achieving while at home. Please email photos or examples of work to 

to see your child's work on our website! 

Have a look at what we’ve been doing at school.......

Environmental Art

Our Day starts with Joe Wicks or the Daily Mile!

Tablet and I-pad on-line learning

Whittling Mushrooms

400 Trees planted with Mr Adams

VE Day

Topic work: Art, Science, Geography, History and Forest Schools

Forest Xylophones

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