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Week 2 8/6/20 - 12/6/20


We are continuing to look at news reports this week. In the activity below, you will find some headlines from news stories. Try to work out what the story might be about before you continue on to the main part of each story.

The activity below will help you to work on your understanding of nouns (names of things), verbs (actions) and adjectives (describing words). Follow the instructions in the PowerPoint.
If you are having trouble accessing the PowerPoint, use the screenshots below to see if you can identify which words are nouns, verbs  or adjectives. There are 7 to identify in each picture:


This week again focuses on mental and written addition and subtraction. I have allocated a variety of resources to use for this through Abacus. You will need to follow the link below to log in and access these resources:


To avoid any confusion about what I am expecting you to do, I have de-allocated most of the previous resources that were allocated. Also, below is a screen shot of the resources that I have allocated this week. The allocated resources have been ticked.

Arty Topic Type Stuff

This week I would like you to find out about tectonic plates. Here is a link to a video about plates:

When you have watched the video, can you work out which of these facts are true or false?

For those of you who may have trouble accessing Word documents, here is a picture of the resource:
And here is a world map that shows where the tectonic plates are. When you have coloured the map, cut out the plates and try to reassemble them correctly.
For those of you who may have trouble accessing Word documents, here is a picture of the resource: