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Week 7 13/7/20 - 17/7/20


Now that you have a had a chance to try out some different instructions, I would like you to write your own set of instructions.

I would like you to create a recipe for a magic potion.

What type of magic potion will you decide to create a recipe for?

If you can’t think of any ideas, how about a potion that will make you fly? Or turn invisible? Or a potion that will convince teachers not to give out homework?

Your recipe will need to have:

  • An introduction that explains what your magic potion will do.

  • A list of ingredients & equipment needed.

  • A set of instructions to make the magic potion.

  • Instructions on how to use the magic potion.

And for your SPAG work, here is another SPAG mat with lots of activities to complete. There are the usual 3 levels of challenge, & the answers are on pages 4-6.


Here is the revision task I promised for you:

Also, here are 3 more maths mats with different activities on them. There are 3 levels to choose from - Cool, Warm or Hot, & the answers are on the 2nd sheet:

Arty Topic Type Stuff

I would like you to create a quiz about the learning that we have done in Year 3 this year.

Your quiz will need to have 10 questions.

You can write your questions about any of the areas that we have learnt about – anything from any of our topics, English, maths, P.E, science, R.E, music! Have a look at the class website to help refresh your memory…

Your quiz can be written on paper, as a PowerPoint, or in another way – it’s up to you! You could even create a Kahoot quiz for the class to play (you will need to create a Kahoot account to do this though).
