Term 2
Into the unknown...Part two!
This term we will stepping into a different kind of an unknown and we will be imagining the world from the perspective of a refugee. We will spend our PSHE lessons focussing upon the experiences of refugees and how they came to find themselves in such circumstances. We will also define the terms refugee, migrant and asylum seeker. We will be using this knowledge and our skills gained last term, to make a stop-animation film following a refugee’s story.
In our English lessons we will explore our topic further through the texts The Journey by Francesca Sanna and The Day the War Came by Nicola Davies. These books will allow us to create setting descriptions, poetry, diary writing and balanced arguments. They will also enable us to develop an insight and appreciation of the challenges of the refugee experience and explore the concept of the entitlement of fundamental human rights and freedoms for all.
In Maths this term, we will be continuing to build upon a range of mathematical skills, including, multiplication and division, statistics and mental addition and subtraction. We will also be spending two weeks considering the perimeter and area of regular, irregular and compound shapes. We will continue to apply our skills to solving problems and developing our mathematical language through reasoning.
In Geography we will be studying rivers. We will consider their structure and the differences between their upper, middle and lower courses. Crucially to the children’s understanding of the world today, we will contemplate why people choose to settle next to rivers and how they shape the land around them.
In science we will be studying forces and how they act within the world around us. What is gravity and how does it work? What would it feel like to live in space? How does friction help us to travel?
In P.E this term we will be continuing to focus on health and wellbeing and the outside world, and we will be taking part in forest school sessions with Mr Adams. We will also be lucky enough to receive professional sports coaching on Tuesday afternoons.