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Class R 2019-20

Welcome to Reception Class!

Class Teacher: Miss Church


School Closure Information

I hope that you are all keeping well and enjoying some time at home together. It is a very strange time for everybody, but the most important thing to do is to look after yourselves. I am hoping more than ever, that we will all be back together soon! In the mean time, I will be uploading some different activities for you to try at home with your families (or by yourself if you're feeling extra clever!).


 Your learning will be uploaded each Monday and it would be lovely if you could send me some pictures or videos of your learning through Tapestry. I will be uploading instructions, ideas, worksheets and links for you to follow to hopefully encourage your learning and play.

Remote Access to Learning:

The following documents are available to be used for any Reception Class child during self-isolation. There is a document for Phonics, Maths and Topic learning ideas. Please use them as little or often as you like.

Remember, the most important thing during these times is to keep safe and well. Please do not try to recreate a formal school environment in your home, the children are aware of changes and what they need most during this time is a reassuring and relaxed environment. I will not be checking how much 'work' they have done whilst at home, this is simply to keep them engaged with reading, counting and extra curricular games and activities. 


Here is a link to our reading scheme. You are able to access all of our reading scheme books as ebooks by following this link: 

Click on 'Primary', and then 'ebook'.

This will take you to a page with the following instructions:

Go to:

Click on the Teacher portal and enter


Password: Parents20!

Introducing Reception Class 2019 - 2020!

Thank you to those parents who attended the Phonics and Handwriting workshop. Here is a copy of the powerpoint used.
