Class 4 2020-21
Welcome to Class Four!
Teacher: Mrs Wilson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sowerby
Individual Learning Support - Mr Heyes and Mrs Scott
On this page you can find out about all the exciting things we do in Class 4.
Our topics this year include ‘Land Ahoy!', ‘Chocolate Fever’ & ‘From Caves to Clans’.
General Information...
Please bring a named water bottle and coat into school every day.
Children may wear comfortable clothes/shoes on the bottom half and school uniform on the top.
Please bring a pair of named wellies/spare trainers in to keep at school all year.
We have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For the time being we ask that children wear their PE kit into school on these days. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather; we will be outside as much as possible!
- We ask that you hear your child read aloud for 15 minutes every day as this will greatly benefit their progress in reading. It will also underpin all their other learning; reading is a key skill across the curriculum. Please record each time they read in their Reading Record.
- Our homework and spellings are set on a Wednesday.
- Homework is due the following Monday and a spelling test is held on the following Tuesday. (Extra House points are given out to children who hand their homework in early!)
- Topic homework is in the form of Pick and Mix activities. The grid will be sent home in the first week of each new term. Children have until the first week of the next term to complete their activities to ensure that these can be scheduled in at a time to suit your circumstances.
Meet the Teacher Information
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Click here to access our Celebration of Learning Video: