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Week 1


Our next two blends in Phase 4 are ‘mp’ and ‘nt’

Work through the slides to practice the new blends: 

We are also going to practice tricky words this week. I will give you 5 tricky words to practice each week! Have a look at the first list of tricky words and try to read as any as you can – for each one you read correctly you can give it a big tick! Don’t worry if you aren’t too sure, just keep practising!

Have a go at putting each tricky word into a sentence, you could draw a picture next to your sentence to match.

A good way to learn tricky words it to find them in stories. Choose a story at home and go through each page searching for the tricky word… how many of each tricky word can you find? Which book has the most tricky words in? 


This week is all about counting! You will be practising your counting in lots of different ways and even counting backwards.


Counting Journey:

First of all find a space (preferably outside), then choose your way of moving: walking, hopping or jumping. Your challenge is to walk/hop/jump your way to 100. Count each movement as one and see how far you get. Can you walk/hop/jump all the way to 100?


Counting Backwards:

Using the splat square:

Ask your adult to splat any number on the hundred square. You challenge is to count back from this number and get back to 1! You can splat each number as you count back to help you.


Missing Numbers:

Make a number line up to 20.


Place the cards in order from 1 to 20. Close your eyes and ask your adult to take a number away and hide it. Can you figure out which number is missing? Swap over and see if your adult can guess the missing number too.

If you’re feeling super smart, have a go at finding missing numbers to 50 or even 100!



Our new topic is all about how things grow. Your first challenge is all about you! Can you find a photograph of yourself as a baby and a photo of yourself now. Look carefully at the two photographs, what is still the same? What is different?


Can you write 3 sentences about how you have changed since you were a baby. You could write about what you like to eat, what you like to play with, what you look like or anything you can think of. I’m looking forward to seeing how much you have grown!
