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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!


On this page you can find out about all the exciting things we do in Class 5.

Our topics this year include ‘Into The Unknown', ‘Whodunnit?!’ & ‘It's All Greek To Me!’.

Come and see what we have been learning about!

Useful information for Class 5:



We ask that you hear your child read aloud for 20 minutes every day as this will greatly benefit their progress in reading. It will also underpin all their other learning; reading is a key skill across the curriculum. Please record each time they read in their Reading Record. We will look at these each Wednesday. 


Homework is set on a Wednesday (usually via Seesaw) and should be completed by Monday on the following week. Extra House points are given out to children who hand their homework in early! Spellings will be set every Wednesday ready for a spelling test on the following Tuesday.



P.E. lessons are held every Monday and Friday during Term 1. We ask that children wear their PE kit into school on these days. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather; we will be outside as much as possible! 
