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Kemsing Primary School

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Intent: At Kemsing Primary School children think of art as a creative journey not just as a finished product. Children’s art lessons inspire children to develop the skills and equip them with the knowledge to create their own works of art. Art lessons encourage self -expression, visual thinking, problem solving and observation skills. Children learn to draw both from their imagination and to make careful observational drawings. From foundation stage onwards the children will be encouraged to use exploratory drawings and build their experience and understanding of drawing materials. All children have the freedom to be creative and enjoy the subject. Children enjoy exploring a rage of materials and techniques. They work large and small scale and develop their observation skill and mark making as they move up the school. Children learn to understand the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople & designers. They spend time observing and mimicking techniques and are ultimately able to select appropriate techniques for their own work. From year 3 onwards children’s sketchbooks are used to gather, collect, experiment, reflect, and show personality and creativity of their owners. In our school art is linked to exciting topics but also taught as a subject in its own right. Art is not a linear process but a gathering of experience and intention.

Progression of Skills and Knowledge in Art
