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Term 2

Our learning changes during term 2.

In Maths we will be studying time and data, and solids, liquids and gas as part of the States of Matter in Science. 

History continues looking at the Anglo-Saxons in more depth.

In English we start to study poetry in more detail, especially those based on A Nest Full of Stars by James Berry.

Christmas is also approaching fast and we will be looking at the phases of Advent as part of our Religious Education

Children in Need - we all became bears for the day!

We wrote our own poems and performed them to the class

Making 3 dimensional shapes in Maths

Learning about analogue and digital time

We went to The Stag Theatre to see Sleeping Beauty

As part of our Celebration of Christmas, we made and decorated Trees

Our Tree

We have been learning to program SCRATCH and made games for Class R to enjoy

We made an Anglo-Saxon village as part of History
