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For your child to make good progress and feel settled and secure in school, their regular attendance is vital. We expect all children to have an attendance figure of over 95% unless there are very unusual circumstances. Statistics show that below this level of attendance, children's progress drops off and they have a tendency to underachieve. In addition, by ensuring that your child attends school every day, you are helping them embed good habits early on which will help them in the world of work later in life.

The nature of school life is that children will pick up coughs and colds as part of growing up. These are not usually a reason to stay at home, unless the child is running a temperature or is clearly too unwell to cope. If your child is suffering from sickness and diarrhea they do need to stay at home and we ask that they are clear of symptoms for 48 hours before returning to school.

Our attendance policy at Kemsing means that we do not authorise term time holidays. Please make sure when you book your holiday that it does not incorporate days when your child needs to be in school. Very occasionally there may be particular circumstances that cause an exception to this rule, but this is highly unusual.


Late Arrivals

Children should arrive in class between 8.35-8.45am for registration at 8.45am

Children arriving after 8.45am but before 9.05am will be marked as late (code "L"). 

Pupils arriving after the register has closed will be marked as late after registration (Code "U") and this will count as an unauthorised absence. 

Frequent lateness will be discussed with parents at open evenings and may be referred to the Kent Attendance Service.  This can provide grounds for prosecution or a Penalty Notice. 




                                      KEMSING PRIMARY SCHOOL

                         Late Arrival at School

Minutes lost per day during the school year



Equals days of teaching lost in a school year


5 minutes


3.4 days

10 minutes


6.9 days

15 minutes


10.3 days

20 minutes


13.8 days

25 minutes


20.7 days


When your child arrives late for lessons, they miss the Teacher’s instructions and the introduction to the lesson. They may feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.  They also miss out on interacting with their peers.  Worse still, if they continue to be late for school, their academic achievement will suffer.