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Term 2

One Eye on London


This term we continue our focus on London.


In DT lessons we will be comparing fire engines past and present before designing, making and evaluating our own models.


In history lessons we will be learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot and finding out why we have Bonfire Night each year on 5th November. We will also be creating some sparkly and colourful artwork inspired by fireworks during the first week of term as well as shape poetry inspired by our senses.


For Remembrance Day we will be reflecting on why we wear poppies and have special services to remember those who have died in wars across the world.


As Term 2 draws to a close we will be working hard to perfect our acting and singing for the KS1 Christmas Production performances on 14th and 15th of December.

Testing Wheels and Axles

Measuring and Making Naan Breads

For Remembrance Day we made poppy seed naan breads using the skills we have learnt in maths. We measured and weighed the ingredients ourselves.