Class 2
Welcome to Class Two!
Class Teacher: Mr Adams
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rose, Mrs Zuyeva & Miss Gigg.
General Information...
- Children should bring a named water bottle and book bag into school every day.
- Water is preferred as we are a healthy eating (and drinking!) school.
- We ask that children bring their reading book and reading record to school every day, even if it is not ready to be changed, as we will be reading with them throughout the week. Reading books will be changed as and when children finish them. Extra books are available at any time including chapter books for confident readers. Children are also welcome to borrow any story book from our 'Library For Fun And Enjoyment', where we have a selection of easy-to-access books that are fun to share with all the family. We are very keen to encourage reading for pleasure in any way that we can!
- Homework - daily reading is the most valuable homework you can do with your child. A pick 'n' mix grid will also be given out each long term. Additional phonics and maths tasks will be sent home as needed.
- PE is on Thursdays and Fridays. Children are to come in wearing their school PE kit.
- Children are provided with fresh fruit each day.